Cosplay and other goodies!
I feel like I’m caught between times. I’m in this strange edit-zone where writing new-stuff feels awkward and uncomfortable. I haven’t even been keeping up on the blog as I wrestle through normal life demands. I’m excited that the books are being released now and I hope that readers who have been waiting for the story to continue haven’t forgotten about me. (New stuff is coming. Just need to wait a little longer.)
I’m working and editing and also trying to figure out marketing stuff. Marketing is challenging for me.
Marketing sucks up all the creative juices.
I end up spending so much time looking at and dreaming up marketing things and end up with less time to create or in such a strange head-space nothing comes out right. It’s not as though I’m limited on story ideas or plots. The limited time prevents me from getting my brain into the new stuff.
So, I’m just going with it. I have a conference coming up at the end of the month and I had really wanted to have something new to submit to a different publisher to try to put more oars in the water, but it’s coming along much slower than I’d like. Rather than get stressed that the new stories are taking extra time to rise, I’ve been cosplaying.
That’s right.
Throwing back in the way-way back machine folks.
I love me some cosplay.
I get so into a series of books/shows and I am all in. First it was Pern and then Valdemar and Hogwarts and for awhile I did the X-files and Marvel universe pretty hardcore and then took a break and started seriously writing my own stuff. Somewhere in between a friend clued me into the Liaden books.
Man, I am all in. Like, 1990’s Mercedes Lackey, Queen’s Own; ‘I’m going to draw up my own character and jump through all the hoops to get her recognized’ –IN. (Except back in those days, I once sent ML a cat dollie AND went to Dragon*CON to meet her and….yeah, I was such a socially awkward dork! Awesome and yet extremely embarrassing levels of fan-girl’ing.)
A part of me keeps whispering that I am way too old for this stuff. I should be working on my own series and grow-up…except this is honestly way too much fun. I was giddy when the buttons came in for the outfit I’m making. Oh, and the jacket that came in for the hubby? Oh yeah, this is going to rock. Ugh, very high fan-girl levels here.
I should be ashamed, but seriously, what is it about some worlds that writers create that are just ripe for people to play in it? I never felt this drawn into the Dresden books with an urge to throw on a trench and grab a wand. (and I love those books.) I am completely OK with a Potter wand though and a robe and …hey, of course I know what my Patronus is. Duh.
Anyway, this has been my life for the past six months or so. Work, editing, marketing and…cosplay.
I will gather up a series of images and share the cosplaying and some of the ‘historical’ cosplay from the 1990’s Dragon*CON. I obviously have no shame.
Super Cat!