Playing for Keeps

Author Diana Rose Wilson

This website is for Diana Rose Wilson and her upcoming events and releases of her books including the Forbidden Secrets series.

Filtering by Tag: Blog

Shall we begin?

photo by DRW

photo by DRW

I have been debating on having my blog here or elsewhere.  I really like having the ability to drive people to this site and to introduce them to the characters and answer questions people might have.  On the flip side, I want to keep this as a story-only site so I'm balanced strangely on the middle ground.  I'm going to try to see if this blog will work for both.  

If you are interested in signing up for the blog, please send me an email and I will get you added.!  Thank you for stopping by and having patience while I play around with this.


Copyright © 2016 - 2024 Diana Rose Wilson