Playing for Keeps

Author Diana Rose Wilson

This website is for Diana Rose Wilson and her upcoming events and releases of her books including the Forbidden Secrets series.

Filtering by Tag: Conference

Another goodie-basket from RT BookLovers.

During the RT BookLovers Convention, I won a lovely gift basket from Louisa Bacio @Louisabacio for my costume at the 'Steampunk High Tea Party' (I will eventually convert all readers to Liad through costumes and my big mouth. It will just take some time.)

I wanted to give an update regarding the books I have in my greedy hands thanks to the gift card included in the basket:

Border Town (SLICE Agency #1)

Lucky Charms

Once Upon A Twisted Time (Twisted Fairy Tales, #1)


I still have a little for a book or two more, so if anyone has recommendations, let me know. :D

Also: Thank you for the goodies, Louisa Bacio @Louisabacio

After RT!

RT18 - Books2.jpg

So, just back from RT Booklovers and boy, they weren't kidding. The name of the convention is spot on. So many awesome books. Here's just a small sample of the actual books I have to look forward to.  I didn't include the ebooks and many other promo items for authors I'm looking forward to reading.  

I decided to attend the convention at the last moment and wasn't sure what to expect.  I'm happy to report that everyone was so friendly and welcoming.  I went from a singleton not knowing anyone at the event to connecting with some awesome authors and readers.  On top of meeting people, it was just fun attending the events.  

RT18 - Table.jpg

Here's my setup from RT.  It was nice to have a little setup so people could see what I'm working on.  

I passed out a couple 'Fallen Angels' shirts. Did you get one?  ;D  I still have a couple to pass around, but holding onto them for now.  Interested in a shirt?  I might have your size. :D  

Dresden wants to know WTF happened to his nap spot and who dared put all books there!

Dresden wants to know WTF happened to his nap spot and who dared put all books there!

I've started finding everyone I was lucky enough to meet on various social media locations. I'm looking forward to learning more about all the people in the reader/writer community.  I'll also be reading through the books, so look for my monthly read-list.  

Looking forward to BookLovers Con next year. Bigger and better costumes for me. ;)  Maybe.  I need to think about how much room I'll need to get all those books home!

One my favorite events of the convention: Bridesmaids, Bachelors and Bubbly.

One my favorite events of the convention: Bridesmaids, Bachelors and Bubbly.


RT Booklovers Conference is coming up next week in Reno!  Unfortunately, I am going swag-light. I'm disappointed, but last month was full of much bigger disappointments.

What am I looking forward to?

1)      Meeting fellow writers.

2)      Meeting new readers. (AND getting to meet face to face some current readers!)

3)      Meeting readers passionate about the same books I love!

There are also quite a few writer’s craft panels that I specifically want to attend:

Make Marketing Your B*tch! (Wed)

Beyond Tall, Dark, and Brooding – Because… Mano. (Thursday)

Worldbuilding in Sci-Fi & Fantasy (Friday)

Oh, and I’ll also be sporting my Liaden outfit at the Steampunk High Tea Party (Thursday)  It’s not really steampunk, but I’ll get to wear my knee boots,spurs and saber. Don’t judge me.

Russian River, on the way to the sea! <3

Russian River, on the way to the sea! <3



90's Cosplay throwback

I promised I would send pictures of my 90’s Mercedes Lackey cosplay and I have found a picture.  It’s not so great quality but it's what I have.  Here it is. ;)

Oh, here's some details!

Oh, here's some details!

You can't even see the awesomeness of the embroidery and beadwork I did but-just imagine it's way cooler th

You can't even see the awesomeness of the embroidery and beadwork I did but-just imagine it's way cooler th

I think it was someone’s birthday and they were getting spanked but for the life of me I can’t remember.  This was a Dragon Con ‘pajama party’ event with a reading of Owl Flight before it came out and there were shenanigans in progress.  Being socially awkward as I was/am, I was just trying not to completely melt down like an uber dork. I’m sure I said/did something awkward and uncomfortable to those around me. Thank goodness I’m not plagued by those memories.  

I do recall being in the elevator with Mark Shepherd and I was so nervous I thought I was going to faint.  He was very kind but it had to be awkward for him.  Sorry Mark.


Hotty bodyguards.

Hotty bodyguards.

There was also this strange thing that happened that year at D*C, apparently there were death threats (?) and so ML and her people had two security guards with them.  It seemed perfectly reasonable at the time but looking back it seems really odd, particularly when you see pictures like this from one of the panels. 

And at the end of D*C they had an auction and I won this pretty necklace and the line edits of Winds of Change (Half of it anyway, somehow the organizer of the event tricked me and I never did get the full manuscript. Still worth it.  Used to dry my writer's tears for many years. Just kidding, we all know writer's tears are pure alcohol and must be bottled with care.)  

I wonder if she ever wonders: 'Where did I put that necklace.....?'

I wonder if she ever wonders: 'Where did I put that necklace.....?'

And now that I've shared my memories with you, I'm back to sewing for my latest obsession.  I'm not even going to Confluence where Sharron Lee and Steve Miller are attending. :P  I'll be in Florida, hanging out with Sci-Fi Romance writers at the RWA conference.  

I'm putting the jacket and vest lining in today and hopefully will have pictures soon!

Thanks for reading! I can't wait to meet more writers and discover new obsessions! 

Copyright © 2016 - 2024 Diana Rose Wilson