6 Unusual things about me:
1) Owned by …ahem…10 cats and one African grey parrot (Who is 27 this year)
2) For the span of over 3 years spent 10+ hours day, every day, playing on a text based Roleplay game where I …er…my character, was a Duchess. (Also played on Pern based MUSHes from 1994-2010. I won’t share the number of hours I spent playing on an average day.)
3) I am a Pteraphile. For those not familiar with this word: lover of all things feather/winged related. Primarily humans with wings. Wings need not be feathered; I’m also rather attracted to bat-like wings (Dragons/demons). Not in particular interested in Angels due to the accompanying religious significance, although I must say the show Lucifer is f*n awesome. ;)
4) My husband took my last name when we got married.
5) I have a full sleeve leg tattoo. It wraps completely around my leg, extending from my ankle to my hip-bone. The image was inspired, in part, by unfortunate events that happened to my brother.
6) I’m 4’10.
Bird Fight